(602) 437-1760

Arizona Office

(505) 857-9876

New Mexico Office

1395 N Hayden Road Scottsdale, Arizona 85257

Arizona Location

8340 Washington St NE Ste B, Albuquerque NM 87113

New Mexico Location

Rigs & Licenses

Drilling The West Since 1957

Drill Rigs

Founded in 1955, Enviro-Drill pioneered drilling services for professional consultants in the Southwest. As codes and other requirements developed and were enforced, the demand for drilling services grew – and so did our company.

Today, we continue to expand our geographic and service areas in response to ever-increasing needs of our Clients and for the growth of our personnel.

Our trademark, The Quality People, describes who we serve and how well we serve them. All of our efforts are directed at helping our Clients meet quality objectives cost-effectively.

• CME 75

• CME 85

• Geoprobe7720

• 4×4 capable CME 75

Drilling Insurance Coverage

Insurance maintained by Enviro - Drill includes general liability insurance in the amount of $1,000,000 per occurrence and motor vehicle insurance in the amount of $1,000,000 per occurrence, both with a $5,000,000 umbrella and statutory workers compensation insurance.

Drilling Licenses

Arizona ROC License No. 087780

New Mexico State Corporation Commission,
License No. 1567916

New Mexico, Well Driller, License No. WD-1848